What If?

What if?

What if the church was both playful & beautiful? What if being in church meant that you were in a relationship with someone, you would never know otherwise, someone richer or poorer, of a different race, ethnicity or orientation?

What if being together in church with a beloved, vulnerable, and, yes messy community made us more whole? What if being church saved lives from the ills of our day, racism, patriarchy, poverty, violence, inequality?

What if the church was our home & our adventure? What if we really believe, trust and hope in resurrection, in something new?

What if?

What do you think? What will a transformative church of our future look like?

Are you under 40? Take the Transformative Church survey now.

  1. What are the “What if” questions that you have for the church?
  2. What do you think a transformative church of our future will look like?

Record your own or leave a comment

Written & spoken by Caroline Dean
Music by Podington Bear
Footage by VideoBlocks, Coverr, and Luciano Righetti
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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