Welcomed, Accepted, & Loved

Hi, my name is Leo Murrieta, I’m an immigrant from Mexico, openly gay, and I’m also social justice and equality advocate, but I’m also the church administrator for my home church in Las Vegas – yes, the city of sin!

In 10 years, my siblings who struggle with English, my friends whose gender expression isn’t CIS confirming, and other LGBTQ folks like me who’ve felt ostracized by mainstream churches in the past will feel welcomed, accepted, and loved.

That’s what I think a transformative church should look like in 10yrs.

Are you under 40? Take the Transformative Church survey now.

  1. What do you think a transformative church should look like in 10 years?
  2. What difference would a church like Leo describes make in the world?

Record your own or leave a comment

Written & spoken by Leo Murrieta
Music by Podington Bear
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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