The Subway Reminds Me

  • Posted on: November 3, 2016
  • By:

The subway reminds me what it means to be caught up in something bigger than myself,
to step in and stand clear of the closing doors,
to embrace the cool temperature and the crowded space,
to sit with my knees pressed tight, my long legs forced into a yoga pose that I could barely manage this morning,
to share a space with the full spectrum of humanity,
to feel every ebb and flow, everyone reacting to each bump like dominoes tipped one after the other,
to stand on a ground of being that you share beneath your feet,
carried along, always forward,
never a destination but just a series of pauses, moments to breathe that allow fellow travelers to step off for a moment or step on and join the ride,
a direction,
a momentum,
invisible lines of an energy that connects us all with our shared humanity.

  1. When was the last time you knew you a part of something bigger than yourself?
  2. What does it mean for you to be connected to our shared humanity?

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Written & Spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Minden
Footage by Pond5 and Jim Kast-Keat
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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