Stop And Breathe

  • Posted on: November 24, 2015
  • By:

For over ten years I have been leading communities and individuals, predominately adolescents, to stop and breathe. And when asked why I value mindfulness practices in my ministry settings I am quick to admit that it’s a selfish invitation. I invite you to stop and breathe because I know that I desperately need it.

I’m an enneagram seven. I have more ideas than I know what to do with and potentially enough energy to try them all out. My mind doesn’t have an off switch; just a button for “fast” and another one for “faster.”

This is why I need mindfulness to counteract what could become manic. It’s easy for me to do. It can be hard for me to be.

So let’s all take a moment right now to stop and breathe. And if you don’t want to do it for you, then do it for me.

Watch the entire #Enneavember series.
Watch more about #Enneagram7.

Enneagram type Seven: The Enthusiast

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Written & spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Dexter Britain
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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