Road Signs

  • Posted on: December 4, 2015
  • By:

When I was in driver’s ed we had to memorize every road sign: stop, yield, do not enter, one way, and more.

This week’s gospel text gives me flashbacks to driver’s ed as we hear Jesus warning about signs, a divine yield sign, so to speak. Jesus is giving a heads up, a nod towards God’s incoming action, a glimpse at the intersection we find ourselves approaching.

Now, I interpret this sign in one of two ways: First, Jesus can be seen as the apocalyptic hope, the word made flesh, God incarnate in our world. It’s as if Jesus is saying, “God’s coming to earth and here I am.”

Or to interpret this another way, Jesus offers signs to indicate God’s impending action. And how does God show up? In the hands and feet and faces of the people around us, the word made fresh. God is about to do something in the world. So stop waiting around and start doing something.

Because the road sign for God would simply be a mirror, reminding us that God has hands and they’re attached to your wrists.

Advent: Week 1

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Written & spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Broke For Free
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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