You Say You Want A Revolution

  • Posted on: April 19, 2016
  • By:

Fifty years ago a generation cried out, saying that they want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world.

And yes, some things have changed. Women are sitting on the supreme court and running for president, any two people can get married in any of the fifty states in America, and while far too many people of color still experience systemic racism and injustice, we have at least begun to talk about the fact that black lives matter.

But we are not finished. In fact, we have only just begun. It is not enough to say that you want a revolution. We must become the revolutionaries.

Stop saying that you want a revolution. And start being the Revolutionary Love that our world needs in order to truly change.

  1. What does it look like to embody Revolutionary Love in our world today?
  2. What revolutions have you caught glimpses of in the world around you?

To find out more about Revolutionary Love visit or follow #RevLove16

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Spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by AudioBlocks
Footage by VideoBlocks and Pond5
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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