The Beautiful Reflection Of Self

I dream of a world where every woman and man and girl and boy and every wonderful in between,
where people of every size, shape, and contour,
every shade and hue,
the queer, gay, bi, the cis, the trans, and all of the magnificent middle,
that those who call on the name of Allah, Yahweh, God, Jesus, as well as those who do not call on the divine at all,
would be able to look in the mirror seeing only the beautiful reflection of self gazing back at them
and not the destructive fear and hatred projected at them by those who won’t understand.

This is the world of which I dream. This is the world I dream can be.

  1. What kind of world are you dreaming of?
  2. What will it take for that dream to become a reality?

Record your own or leave a comment

Written & spoken by Brian Shivers
Music by AudioBlocks
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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