I Came Prepared Today

  • Posted on: March 25, 2014
  • By:

“I came prepared today.”

These were the words I heard as I walked up the subway steps in front of my neighborhood bodega. A woman was talking with a man sitting on the sidewalk with a nearly empty paper cup in his hand that  rattled steadily with a handful of change.

When nearly twenty percent of an eight million person population finds themselves living below the poverty line, this situation is far too normal.

As I walked past I saw the woman give the man a granola bar. I don’t know either of their names but if I had to guess, I’d call them both “Jesus.”

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WordsJim Kast-Keat
Image: Jim Kast-Keat
Music: Podington Bear

  • I love this! Inspiration for a new Pinterest board. Great 30 second sermon.

    • Jim Kast-Keat

      Thanks Dana! I walked off the subway, heard this interaction, went home and recorded this podcast. It was such a powerful and convicting moment.