Are We Supposed To Pray That Way?

A reflection on Psalm 70:

For a long time I didn’t know what to do with the Psalms. What do I do with these prayers asking God to smash babies against rocks and to smite enemies? Are we supposed to pray that way?

But then one day I found myself doing exactly that. Filled with anger and betrayal, I asked God to do terrible things to somebody, to do unto them as they had done to me.

And it is there that I experienced why we should go to God with all our prayers, even the ones – especially the ones – that we find in the Psalms. Because it is there that we can empty ourselves out of what is raging inside of us so God can fill us back up with the compassion and the mercy we so desperately need.

God meets us with grace so that we can meet others with grace.

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WordsNick Coates
Image: Jim Kast-Keat
Music: Dexter Britain