
For years, I hid behind a number I longed to be.
It gave those around me a persona to interact with.
and it required less of me.

People knew what to expect.
And I got what I desired: peace.

As I’ve claimed my Nine-ness, my challenge has been to remove the mask and realize I have some thing to offer, even when it might sting.

When healthy, Nines have an ability to appreciate the beauty of every number.
All the internal and interpersonal dynamics and tensions — holding them all.
We can then engage those around us bringing them to the table, honoring everyone’s voice as well as our own, so that together we might move toward a true, lasting peace.

  1. What masks do you need to remove?
  2. What does it look like for us to move towards a true, lasting peace?

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Written & Spoken by Adam Lorenz
Music by Josh Spacek
Footage by Mitch Martinez
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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