Why Is It OK?

A man said to me
If children cannot be quiet and still they need to leave the sanctuary.
Children are a distraction and they make it hard for people to hear the sermon.
This service is meant for adults.

Why is it OK to say this about children? Would we say:

“This service is meant for Americans.”
“This service is meant for men.”
“This service is meant for able-bodied people.”
No, we would be horrified.
We would say NO. You cannot limit the worship space to one demographic!
So, church. Why is it OK to exclude kids?

  1. What does it mean for a child to “behave” when they’re around adults?
  2. How can the church be more inclusive towards all ages of people?

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Written & Spoken by Mandy Meisenheimer
Music by Kai Engel
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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