Welcome To New York

  • Posted on: November 4, 2016
  • By:

Up early, before the sunrise: conversation, creativity, stop and breathe, sweat and stretch.
I walk to the train, I sit and rest, my eyes closed and ears open to the world around me.

I am startled awake at the sound of something being dropped – a plastic water bottle in the hands of an over burdened traveler. I see a stranger reach down and hand it to her, a small gesture filled with significance: I see you. And I am here to help.

I let my body relax again, my eyes close, the movement of the train rocking my body. I surface with a tap on my arm from the man next to me. The water bottle, he points out, leaked when it fell. And water is creeping our way, towards the bag that rests at my feet.

I smile. I nod. “Thank you,” I say. This small gesture is filled with significance: I see you. And I am here to help.

This is New York City.

  1. How have you encountered community and connection in the midst of strangers?
  2. Describe a memorable moment oh had on public transportation. 

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Written & Spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Jon Luc Hefferman
Footage by Chelsea Smith and VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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