Now More Than Ever

As a Japanese American I am the descendant of a people who crossed oceans as exploited plantation laborers, only to be abused and lynched by white peers, only to be subject to mass incarceration during the second world war. People of every cultural background need affirm, now more than ever, that Black Lives Matter.

As the child of two police officers, let me tell you: Black Lives Matter is not pro-police death, not pro-white suffering. It is pro-black survival in world that actively seeks to extinguish the beauty and the diversity of black life.

  1. What does Black Lives Matter mean to you?
  2. What can you do to resist the world that actively seeks to extinguish the beauty and diversity of black life?

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Written & Spoken by Kenji Kuramitsu
Music by Broke For Free
Footage by Mitch Martinez
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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