
Wonder is the antidote to religion.

Religion leads us to submission to systems and institutions. Religion leads us to be focused on “fixing” our flaws and failures from the inside out. Religion is about power, wealth, and domination.

Wonder, on the other hand, leads us to wandering. To liberating. To run free on the highways and byways of our lives. Wonder causes transformation, for when we sit in awe of the holiness of the Divine, we cannot help but be transformed and transfigured.

Wonder reminds us of our powerlessness to change ourselves and the world on our own, yet fans the flames of the Spirit within and empowers us with a Divine force that can accomplish the impossible.

  1. In your own words, what is the difference between wonder and religion?
  2. Describe your experience with religion. Describe your experience with wonder.

This recording is an excerpt from Nomad: A Spirituality for Traveling Light.

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Written & Spoken by Brandan Robertson
Music by YACHT
Footage by VideoBlocks, Pond5, and Mitch Martinez
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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