
Life is about the journey. We’re all called to be nomads. And God’s Spirit continually is tugging on each of our hearts and becoming us to take the next step forward into the unknown in full faith that God is with us, for us, and guiding us.

None of us know where exactly all of this is heading, and that’s totally okay. Because the One who is sustaining all of it loves us deeply. And it’s in the knowing that reality that we are freed to press forward onto new horizons, expectantly awaiting the next stop God has for us.

It’s not about our destination.

  1. Describe the journey of your life.
  2. What is the next step forward that God is calling you to take?

This recording is an excerpt from Nomad: A Spirituality for Traveling Light.

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Written & Spoken by Brandan Robertson
Music by YACHT
Footage by Tim Williams
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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