
We have been created with a primal impulse for connection and meaning, which can only be found when we discover the stories of our past. When we discover that we are connected to an endless line of individuals who have, like us, sought after God in hope of finding redemption and purpose, may we be reminded that in this journey through the never ending deserts of life, we are not alone and tread on well-worn paths of fellow saints and seekers. May we find in their stories and practices, wisdom and encouragement for our journey.

And when everything in our lives seems to be blown away by the rushing winds, may we be held firmly in place by our roots, the never-ending thread that connects us to all of our fellow sojourners on this journey called life.

  1. What roots hold you firmly in place?
  2. When was a time you experienced a primal impulse for connection and meaning?

This recording is an excerpt from Nomad: A Spirituality for Traveling Light.

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Written & Spoken by Brandan Robertson
Music by YACHT
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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