Three Major Sections

The book of Micah has three major sections.

In chapters 1-3 the prophet discloses judgement for the corruption and sin of his contemporary Israelite society.

In chapters 4-5, there’s a glimpse beyond how things are, revealing what ought to be—what God can do to deliver the people from sin.

The rest of the book, the third part, examines what a collective confession of sin looks like, as well as the promises of God despite the sins of the people. Included in this section is the famous decree that God doesn’t require sacrifice, but for us to do what is right, walking humbly along God’s side.

  1. What does it mean to you to walk humbly along God’s side?
  2. How do you think things ought to be?

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more from Micah // the complete #30SecondBible series

Written & spoken by Toy Adams
Music by Podington Bear
Footage by Mitch Martinez
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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