We’re Hoping For

Low point: What do you do when your holy city is destroyed?

You turn to your artists and your poets.
Because it’s pretty terrible.
It’s pretty bad.
And it’s only the artists and the poets who can give voice to the anguish.

Will God remember the pain?
Will God remember the pain?
Will she?

That is the question that the book of Lamentations offers to us.

Lamentations asks a question: Will God remember us in our anguish, in our pain?

We sure hope so.
At least, we hope so.
We believe so.
We’re hoping for.

  1. How has God met you in the low points of you life?
  2. Will God remember us in our anguish, in our pain?

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more from Lamentations // the complete #30SecondBible series

Written & spoken by The Real Reverends of New York City
Music by Melodysheep
Footage by Jim Kast-Keat
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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