Life In Color

It’s less like a story and more like music. The Gospel of John rings key words like bells: light and darkness, life and truth, bread of life, living water — they layer and reverberate and all the clamor adds up to this thing that Jesus offers us called abundant life.

It’s not just living. It’s really living — living in technicolor instead of black and white like Dorothy opening the door of her sepia colored house onto the saturated world of Oz.

This is what Jesus offers: life in color.

  1. How would you describe “abundant life?”
  2. What’s holding you back from stepping out of your sepia colored house and into a life in color?

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more from John // the complete #30SecondBible series

Written & spoken by Emily Scott
Music by YACHT
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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