Parking Spots & Sports Teams

  • Posted on: November 30, 2015
  • By:

I hope I get a good parking spot at the mall, I hope they’re not serving tuna surprise again for lunch at school, I hope the New Jersey Buccaneers win the Super Series Finals this year.

Here’s the thing: Hope is about more than parking spots, school lunches, and sports teams. These are wishes. Save them for your next birthday cake.

Hope runs deeper, carrying an eschatological current, looking towards what could be or should be rather than what always is.

It’s all about waiting, all about anticipation, all about seeing what some might not yet see and living as if it were already a reality.

Hope is disruptive. It moves us beyond our comfort zone with hope-filled proclamations like Black Lives Matter, Love Wins, and Say Her Name.

Hope is about reclaiming a humanity for all of us.

The first week of Advent is all about hope. May we be people who have and give hope to the world around us.


Advent: Week 1

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Written & spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Broke For Free
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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