You Must Be Here With Us

Judaism teaches that Aaron was worthy of becoming the high priest because he loved peace and he pursued peace. Now the word for “pursue” here in Hebrew isn’t just to try to attain something but it’s to run after something the way that a bear might be chasing after you.

It’s not enough to try to work for peace. We have to run after peace, to chase it down until we are breathless, to grab it with both hands and say, “Here. You must be here with us.”

  1. Who is someone you know who pursues peace with everything they have?
  2. What does it look like for you to run after peace?

this episode of #30SOL is a part of the #CallingAllPeacemakers series

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Written & Spoken by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
Music by YEYEY
Footage by  VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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