Heaven or Hell

If given the choice between an eternity in heaven or a lifetime serving the marginalized on earth, I would choose the latter. For it is in serving those on the margin that I discover the hell that I call “life” and the glimpse of heaven that they reveal.

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WordsJim Kast-Keat
Image: Jim Kast-Keat
Music: Gillicuddy

  • Jadoke

    Your thoughts only make sense if heaven is not real. A choice? Why not both? From God and His Word, we are to live our lifetime serving the marginalized on earth in response and in thanks to God’s gift in Christ, our Savior, who gives us an eternity in heaven. Why not stop this confusing theology of Either / Or and stand with our God of Both /And.

    • Jim Kast-Keat

      It seems to me that much of the both/and thinking too often leads to embracing a distant utopia at the expense of the reality right in front of us. To much of a “heaven focus” leads to disregard the care for the earth and prioritizes the spiritual needs of the marginalized above their physical necessities.

      What I’m advocating for is an emphasis on the world around us, focusing on the people who need heaven brought to earth rather than awaiting an evacuation from this earth for a distant heaven.