More Good to Speak Of

My husband and I talk about racial injustice every single day. Our daughter is getting older and I know we talk in front of her more than we should but in our house, as a black couple, we had to have space to lament.

We all know 2015 was really rough. My dream is that we can lighten up in 2016, that we will have less to lament, and more good to speak of in front of our kid. And that we can realize that justice for our family is refusing to give up our freedom to live well.

  1. How did you make it through the rough seasons of 2015?
  2. What good are you hopeful for in 2016?

Record your own or leave a comment

Written & spoken by Courtney Hall Lee
Music by Dexter Britain
Footage by VideoBlocks and Kenji Jawasawa
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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