Showing Up Fully, The “T”

My name is Lawrence. I’m a native of the Midwest, I work in ministry and communications. I also happen to be transgender.

None of us ever completely arrive — each day we move from glory to glory — but the most important lesson I’ve learned so far on this journey, is when we fully show up to life, as our whole selves — who we feel God inspiring us to be — the Holy Spirit can show up more fully through our lives.

God can do some incredible things through people who live from the place inside where truth and spirit reside.

  1. What does it look like for you to live as your whole self?
  2. What are some of the incredible things you have seen God do through people in the world around you?

Watch the complete #Pride2016 series to hear more reflections from trans and gender nonconforming people.

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Spoken by Lawrence Richardson
Music by Alex Fitch
Footage by VideoBlocks and Pond5
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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