It Isn’t Finished

  • Posted on: March 29, 2016
  • By:

You’ve got an idea. You throw it in Evernote or scratch into your Everything Notebook. And while some ideas are satisfied to call these spaces their long term home, this is one idea that demands to be itched.

So you fill more pages in your notebook, make lists of lists and draft ideas about your idea. You start telling other people about the idea you’ve conceived and are about to birth into the world.

It changes your life. You’re perpetually exhausted and exhilarated. You push and push and push until finally this concept becomes concrete, crying in the world for all to see.

And just when you’re ready to say “it is finished,” you realize that it isn’t. Ideas beget ideas beget ideas. Iteration is your new best friend. It is only just beginning.

  1. What do you do when inspiration strikes?
  2. When was a time you had an idea that you couldn’t stop thinking about?

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Written & spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Little Glass Men
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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