Embrace Failure

  • Posted on: September 14, 2015
  • By:

We learn more from our failures than we do from our successes.

I once worked at a store called Meijer, Michigan’s version of a Walmart. I was at the customer service desk when someone came up and told me they noticed the keys left in the door of the car next to theirs. I looked at my coworker and she nods for me to make an announcement.

“Attention Meijer customers,” I say into the loudspeaker. Would the owner of a red Ford Escort please return to the parking lot. You left your keys in your car door.”

I put down the intercom and see my manager rushing towards the desk. “Do you know what you just did?” she asks me. Apparently I had just given away a free car to the first person to make it to the parking lot.

Luckily the car wasn’t stolen, the owner returned and retrieved their keys, and I learned how not to make an announcement on the in-store intercom.

Strive for success. But embrace your failure. Remember them. Reflect on them. Learn from them. And then try again and again and again.

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