The Limits of Christian Education

The Limits of Christian Education

  • Jadoke

    I think that thinking rightly synonymous with Christianly can only be true because it is God who is doing the right thinking. Haven’t met one yet who is a Christian because he thinks rightly. Is a Christian thinking rightly the unfortunate basis of reformed theology? We have died to sin and are alive to God in Christ. Now, become what you are!

    • jimkastkeat

      To answer your question, no, “right thinking” is not the overt basis of reformed theology, but “right thinking” (otherwise known as orthodoxy) is often the basis of historic Christian theology. So many wars have been waged over what doctrine is right and what doctrine is wrong. And so much of Christianity seems to be about making sure people believe the right things (that is, think rightly) as this “right doctrine” is what’s “essential” to belief.
