Truly Divine

What will a transformative church look like in ten years

I believe it will fully respect the authentic human experience. It won’t dismiss doubts, but will welcome them. A transformative church will actively challenge the status quo while demanding openness and the affirmation of all people without question. I envision many types of worship offered in conventional and unconventional spaces alike. I envision a church whose love is truly Divine.

What do you think a transformative church will look like in ten years?

Are you under 40? Take the Transformative Church survey now.

  1. How would you describe a transformative church?
  2. What difference do you think a transformative church would have in our world?

Record your own or leave a comment

Written & spoken by Katie Thompson
Music by Podington Bear
Footage by VideoBlocks and Coverr
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

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