A Force Of Nature

  • Posted on: September 22, 2015
  • By:

The church is like a cloud, a force of nature impacting the environment around it. The church can bring the shade and bring the thunder.

The church offers pace to rest to those who are forced to run too fast and too far for too long. The church fills you up when you are running on fumes, a Saturday afternoon nap at the trunk of a tree as a cool breeze blows past on a hot summer day.

And the church also brings the thunder, discovering protest to be an act of worship. We pray with our hands, lifting them in praise that #LoveWins and pumping them in protest to declare that #BlackLivesMatter. We pray with our feet, marching for justice, standing against oppression, and shaking up a system that desperately needs to be rearranged.

The church is like a cloud, a force of nature, and she comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.

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