Change The World

  • Posted on: January 4, 2016
  • By:

Last week Hank Green, one half of the vlogbrothers, posted a video about why the new year falls on January 1. It’s largely due to the work of three individuals that most people have never heard of and whose names I won’t even attempt knowing I will horribly mispronounce them. You can learn more by watching Hank’s video. I’ll leave a link in the doobly doo.

Hank’s video got me thinking. So many people do so much to be noticed, to achieve the that almighty milestone of “celebrity,” to be famous for being famous. But here are three people who literally changed the world and most of us don’t even know their names.

Because it’s not about people knowing who you are. It’s about the world being better because of who you are.

So stop trying to be famous and start changing the world.

  1. Do you think most people want to be famous more than they want to change the world? Why or why not?
  2. If you had to choose between worldwide fame without changing the world or changing the world for the better with worldwide anonymity, which would you choose? Why?

Record your own or leave a comment

Written & spoken by Jim Kast-Keat
Music by Melodysheep
Footage by VideoBlocks
Edited by Jim Kast-Keat

Watch Hank Green’s video:

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